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Postcard Marketing - Using Postcards With Direct Mail To Promote Your Business
One of the most affordable and effective methods of promoting your business is by mailing postcards to your target audience. Postcard marketing has many advantages over other forms of advertising because it is low cost and goes directly to your clients and prospects. The cost of producing direct mail postcards and mailing them has never been lower. A postcard marketing campaign will foster a closer connection with your current customers and create new relationships with potential business prospects.
Why Use Postcards To Promote Your Business?
1. They Are Effective - As one of the most effective of direct mail marketing tools, full-color, custom-printed business postcards, get your message across quickly and inexpensively. Postcards achieve almost 100% readership and generate a relatively high rate of response and has a great ROI.
2. They Are One of The Most Cost-Effective Ways of Promotion. - NYPS has a one of the lowest prices for high quality, thick, full color, and double-sided postcards in the industry.
3. They Get Your Message Across FAST - NYPS will design, print, and send your custom direct mail postcards at discount prices in as fast as a week or less.
4. There Are No Limitations - Unlike telemarketing phone calls (people can get on a “no-call” list) or emailing (people can “opt out”), postcards go directly in the hands of present and future clients and are less likely to be seen by your competitors.
5. The US post office now has the “Every Door Direct Mail” program, which can get your message out to your target audience quickly and for as low as 18.3¢ per mail piece. Call us at 212-989-6633 for more details about this program that can increase profits and grow your business quickly and inexpensively!